Save Up to Build a Home the Quick Way!

Rents are going higher and higher.

Everyone is looking for a new hack to build a new home. The truth 90% of non-homeowners are not doing the things on this list but most new homeowners have done at least some of them. Here is a presentation on saving up for a downpayment for a home loan to build a home. 
The desire to build a better future for yourselves is all the motivation you need. Rents are going higher and higher. You can not control what the landlord will do in 5 years or even when your contract is up. The rental price is always going up. 

If you choose to go down the homeownership path your housing costs stay the same. The rental price will shortly exceed the cost of homeownership. For landlords, it is a business and they are there to make enough money to cover expenses and have a good return on their investment. Real estate is a good investment for them. Why would it not be a good one for you too?

Much of the information in the presentation comes from the blog post, "Is the American Dream of owning a Home Dead." I wrote a few weeks ago. You will benefit from watching the slides quickly clicking by in an engaging style. Stop and pause or watch it again it is very short. Please enjoy and see the original post too.

I hope that helps. If you want to discuss home plans and costs for your build, contact me at

Thanks for Watching,

Erik Ost, B Arch
Plan House, LLC

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